Thursday, February 26, 2009

Open Forum: Fontenot v. Miles v. DeRosa

I'm anticipating a few extra reads today, thanks to Kurt's generous linkage over at GROTA. So even though Mighty Mike isn't swinging the bat yet today, I wanted to try to get a bit of a discussion going on the ol' blog here.

The main motivation behind creating this blog was fairly simple: Mike Fontenot should be the Cubs' starting second baseman in 2009, so Lou needs to bench Aaron Miles.

However, Mike's name has been prominently mentioned in comparisons to another major league second baseman named Mark DeRosa.

Cubs fans loved DeRo. And, he was an awesome player. Unfortunately, Jim Hendry wasn't willing to pay $5.5MM for a super-sub.

I wonder if anyone has an opinion on the events surrounding 2nd base for the Cubs. Did Hendry make a mistake in letting DeRosa go? Do you think Fontenot will come anywhere close to the offensive production DeRosa put up in 2008, or will put up in 2009? Should Lou bench Aaron Miles?

At the very least, that last one should be clear.


  1. No they shouldn't bench him. He has been a proven lead off hitter and has a little more experience than Fonte"YES", Don't get me wrong, I like Mighty Mike a lot. Although, I really just want to see the Cubs play regular season baseball and do some serious damage.

  2. Undoubtedly, the lineup will wreak havoc on opposing pitchers regardless of who starts at 2B.

    I'm not sure Miles as a leadoff hitter makes sense, though. Ryan Theriot is more patient at the plate and has a higher OBP.

    Glad to see you're pulling for Mike, as well. He's gonna get his home runs this year.

  3. Aaron Miles should be the new super-sub. Also, I think Fontenot will produce slightly lower than his projections, yet still far better than Miles and enough to justify DeRo's departure.

  4. I agree with you completely, resmith.
